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Covid-19: Types, Prevention Measures, Medicine, and Other Essentials

Nowadays, the whole world is troubled because of the global pandemic called Covid-19. It is a life-threatening virus, which can infect any person on the planet and badly damage his/her health. It has various mutations and symptoms. The worst outcome is death. We want to ensure the health of every person, and so have prepared this informative article. It focuses on the major points related to his horrible virus. Therefore, be attentive and try to memorize all the information we provide here below!


Types of Covid-19

We will begin our article with the classification of this virus. We guess most people have already heard about various mutations of Covid-19, such as Delta and others. It will take a long to review every mutation separately. If you need that sort of information, feel free to search for detailed information guides. We want to highlight 6 types outlined for Covid-19 in general. The scientists recognize them after the following symptoms:

  1. Flu-like without fever. This type is commonly followed by headaches, the loss of smell, pain in muscles and chest, cough. Nonetheless, a patient does not suffer from fever.

  2. Flu-like with fever. This type has pretty the same symptoms that were mentioned above. However, it also includes hoarseness, loss of appetite, and finally fever.

  3. Gastrointestinal. The third type includes migraine, diarrhea, the loss of smell and appetite, sore throat, pain in the chest, but a patient has no cough.

  4. Severe level one, fatigue. The fourth type is also the first type of severe health state. Patients have headaches, loss of smell, cough, fever, hoarseness, pain in the chest, and frequent fatigue.

  5. Severe level two, confusion. This type has similar symptoms as the one above. Nonetheless, it is also followed by pain in muscles, confusion, sore throat, and poor appetite.

  6. Severe level three, abdominal and respiratory. The sixth and last type is the most severe. It includes all the health issues from the two previous types. Additionally, a patient suffers from acute shortness of breath, diarrhea, and pain in the abdominal.

Remark: These symptoms are common for Covid-19 without any mutation. The cases of mutated Covid-19 may have other symptoms and consequences for the health of a patient.


What Medicine Can Help?

If a person is fallen ill with Covid-19, his/her treatment is always individual. A lot depends on the following factors:

  • Type of the Covid-19;

  • Age;

  • Gender;

  • State of health;

  • The history of the disease.

Each factor must be included, and you should never take any medical preparation without the permission of your health provider. If the form of the illness is light, patients are commonly prescribed preparations against flue and other symptoms they may suffer. It will be symptomatic treatment. More severe cases require the attention of a doctor and patients will be prescribed more powerful remedies.

Today, the FDA has permitted the following preparations against the consequences of Covid-19:

  • Remdesivir. It is permitted for patients aged 12+. It is administered intravenously (through a needle). 

  • Nirmatrelvir. It is prescribed to treat mild and moderate cases of the virus. It blocks a specific enzyme that helps the virus of Covid-19 replicate. Mind that it is commonly combined with Ritonavir, which helps to slow down the breakdown of the drug. It comes in pills.

  • Molnupiravir. This remedy is authorized by the FDA for patients at higher risk of falling ill with the virus and who cannot take other remedies due to some health peculiarities. It comes in pills.

  • Baricitinib. This pill has an antiviral effect, and it also helps to overcome inflammatory processes induced by the virus. The preparation is commonly given to people with breathing dysfunction and a lack of oxygen. These are hospitalized patients.

Researchers likewise study other possibilities to overcome or prevent Covid-19 consequences. Amongst the most popular ones are:

  • Immune-based therapy;

  • Antiviral remedies;

  • Anti-inflammatory therapy;

  • Ivermectin, etc.


Prevention Methods

Of course, nobody wants to fall ill and endanger his/her health. Therefore, we would like to provide you with information about the most effective prevention measures. They are approved by the WHO (World Health Organization). Make allowances for the next measures:

  • Get vaccinated. It protects people from falling ill with Covid-19.

  • Wear a mask. If you wear a mask outside, the risk of getting the virus is much lower. Make sure you wear it over your mouth and nose.

  • Avoid crowds. The WHO strongly recommends avoiding big gatherings of people. You should also avoid poorly ventilated spaces.

  • Keep the distance. Make sure you are about 6 feet from other people.

  • Take regular tests. To be sure you are not sick, take regular tests (at least every two months).

  • Wash your hands often. Develop a habit of washing your hands before eating, after coming from the outside, contacting other people, and suchlike situations.

Be sure you monitor your health daily. Disinfect and clean your house and workplace regularly.


On Vaccination

There are many hot disputes about the effectiveness and even safety of vaccination. There are many kinds of vaccines – Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, and others. Each was tested many times and has certain indications. Study those indications to be sure it suits you.

Right now, the world society is divided into two opposite groups. Some people stand for it, and others are against vaccination. Why vaccination may be ineffective? The main reason is the frequent mutation of the virus. Once, it mutates the effectiveness of any vaccine drops. Nonetheless, scientists assure that it still has positive outcomes. It may help to keep the virus at bay, or at least make its symptoms much weaker.

It’s up to you to decide whether to get vaccinated or not. Nonetheless, the WHO strongly recommends getting vaccinated. According to results, non-vaccinated people are prone to getting the virus compared to vaccinated people.

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